Democracy and Dictatorship

Frankly speaking I have never liked writing dictations, maybe because I preferred compositions and the latter was something I was really good at. The thing is no one could imprison my thoughts and all the things that I wanted to shelter beyond them; the words that are a birth of exempt mind. Dictation - nearly thirty people were to write the same thing and be extremely attentive not to alter anything, even a sign. It was not visible but we needed to feel it… a common obligation. Of course we needed to write everything properly according to the rules that we have learnt during some years, to cut short, we were trained. Unfortunately we had no opportunity to create new rules or to digress a little and the only thing we could do was to follow blindfold. That is to say we were governed by someone and we had no chance to choose. But now having a real chance of a choice among words I am writing what I wanted you to read. So you are going to read a democratic essay, which will not persuade anything but will be a real reflection of my perceptions. We may consider how democracy and dictatorship are known to us, how they are represented to us and what do these 2 phenomena really mean.
Government policy is something not everyone is interested in but no one can avoid its positive and negative consequences. All of us know that democracy and dictatorship are systems of government that is to say the way how the country is governed. If in case of democracy we are choosing who is responsible for it, in case of dictatorship a ruler has a power over everyone and he gains it using a force, he steals the conception of a choice from us.

When speaking about how they are represented, one thing is clear; they do not really need to be represented to us, we are the ones who feel everything that is under these words. Anyway it is clear that all bearers of systems are to believe that this or that is the best way of all and every kind of digression can give birth to unbearable conditions. But anyway the so called digressions pave the way for a sequence of these 2 things. Interestingly even in 21st century these two exist side by side. And the one who lives in a democratic country will always hear how dictatorship is being dispraised and those who really feel the latter’s effect are the one's who feel unable to change anything and because of the policy maybe they are not even thinking about changing anything as they are told to do so.
What do these phenomena really mean? Just take a look at the examples of dictatorship, at those countries that were governed by a dictator. Even without thinking too much we may conclude that they are the main reasons of pernicious notion which is familiar to us with the name WAR! Just remember Nazi Germany and Soviet Union during Stalin government years. Maybe not me, but many Armenians also know what it means. So these 2 things originally are vivid descriptions of these or that countries periods. Everyone should agree that these two things occur from the state of each territory or country.
The most complicated and at the same time ordinary thing is the so-called mysterious time. They say that time changes and fortunately or unfortunately we can’t find anyone who will be able to explain the reasons of changes. Anyway all of us try in this or that extent make a change; I am not sure if we all understand what can be our benefit to the thing we really want to change, but I am pretty sure our endeavours can’t be justified if we do not know what do we want to see at the end. I know that in modern world democracy is the leading policy for every human but alas some democratic battles lead to invisible dictatorship, I want to believe that it occurs unconsciously. What I really want us to change is not reading the word itself but those words that are beyond. So, nothing is changed…I still prefer compositions.


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