Hope Springs Eternal

     It’s winter again; frozen and white December outside and predestined draughts inside.

    Snowflakes are falling, resembling musical notes, as if someone is playing the piano’s black and whites, eventually leading to coda time.

    The snow covers all the worries left on the ground and imprisons them for a while. Its snow-white presence makes one turn a blind eye to all concerns. It resembles a matrimony where couples promise to stick together through thick and thin. Deep down, one knows a day might come when the snow will eventually melt and disappear.

    Would it be able to take away all the worries, though? Wasn't it just a temporary shelter for them? It seems you were relying on the snow with the hope to forget.

    Being outside, you will walk and get stuck in the snow like a 7-year-old schoolchild trying to find their way home. You will build a snowman and watch how it endures the passage of time, how it melts and becomes part of the hidden worries.

    You will wear warm clothes and wait for spring to come, bringing hope with it. And eventually, it will, as life itself is hope, and "when there is life, there is hope."

    You will follow the flickering streetlamp and wait for someone to fix it. And just like that, life will be full of dark and flickering lights. One day it will shine bright, lighting the way, and it won’t be so terrifying to face your worries. Hope will become your light, and maybe you will be the one to fix and revive it.

    Even if the snow melts, winter may still be there. But it will not stay forever; at the end of the day, it will pass. Another winter may come, another lamp may flicker, and you will be waiting for spring to come, as hope springs eternal.


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