
God! Why is it so hard? Why? How to differentiate things people show and things they really think? How to carrying on when you don't know where it takes? Want to feel the strength, the confidence that all I do, all I think is right. Sometimes the thoughts that you are potential and reasonable person aren't enough, because even in these cases you can't open another's soul, their minds and the ocean of their thoughts. Sometimes you just want to stop your journey and ask; ''What goes around?''. In this case you have collision of your thoughts. That creature inside immediately starts the fight. But what was the reason of your worries. That is the thing.
Open your eyes, open your heart, what you really need to do is to be yourself, to continue all you have started. There won't be any circumstances that can fight against you. And all will understand it sooner or later. They will be familiar with your hidden soul, because all you have is flying out of your soft heart. Wish they will understand it, will be kind to you and will appreciate your frankness with the same answer. CREDO!


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