The Language of Soul

    What is the language of Soul? The one you hear and speak or possibly the one that is spoken in your head and never uttered… If so, then I have another question to you; Should it be called a language or just a voice coming within which never aims to leave its shelter?

    Which language do you choose when it comes to your inner communication? Do you prefer your mother tongue to express yourself or is it something special, the one you communicate with your inner self? I guess you have your own answer but I may deduce it is the one you use the most, the one incomprehensible for others. Perhaps the words used do not consist of letters but senses. What is the first sense of your Soul alphabet? Have you ever wondered how many vowels it has? Does it consist of many consonants that willy-nilly encircle the soul?


    If letters and words are inner feelings then where is the page we can write down the ones we are not good at? The ones you as a child used to write over and over again to improve orthography. If we are lucky enough to have an opportunity, we should not hesitate to write thousands of pages to perceive the feelings better. One may wonder if that is a possible achievement. We have always had a conviction if there is a question then it should have a corresponding answer, but it is not always so; some just come to our mind and others replace the answers. 

    The language of Soul is something we won’t be able to learn till the end. Moreover, it undergoes constant development as the others do, however it is not specific and exact unlike other languages. It may not only question everything you see and hear but what you also feel. 

So, how will you define the language of your Soul?


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