
 This seems unreal; the days passed as a second and all the endeavours of remembering are bringing no result.

Seems the water is covering all the footprints you left on the sand; seems they have never been there. Have you ever crossed those very paths? Maybe you have never left deep imprints, maybe the thousand walked kilometers have flattened your feet and there is no influence anymore.

How many doors you opened and closed, or which ones you did countless times? Are there any fingerprints left on them? How many times you left the door open hoping anyone follows you? If you did – have you ever looked back?

Have you ever thought of all the chairs you sat on? Did they ever carry your essence? Will the empty chair encompass you?

What about the order of things you have carefully followed? Will it ever be changed?

Have you ever thought of all the faces you looked in? Is there anything you left with every try?

Ever thought of the uttered words and written lines? Have you ever gone with them to the destination they were meant to?

Seems all these are embraced in a single second – Is that life?


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