Retrospection or waiting for miracles

      Sometimes it is very hard to imagine that everything has its end. We choose some paths for us, start to move and unfortunately we forget to look back and to understand whether we have left something behind or not. Of course there is no need to stop on your way and never go on anymore but now I will strongly advise you to finish your journey just for a minute and to look back. I am strongly convinced that our life is the best teacher, the ways we choose are real lessons to study from. What do you think were we reasonable enough to absorb all focal materials from those lessons? Let’s think about it!
       You may think that we all had some prospects which unfortunately are not reality. It is a relevant thought I guess. You feel that everything you have done was flawless and unfairly we didn’t get things we were to get. Okay, you have all rights to think so, but wait! I have another question; have you done everything you were supposed to? Have you opened all doors waiting for you on your way?   

       Think about it. Do not forget that life is a real miracle and what we have now is not only due to our efforts, sometimes we are endowed with things which are real gifts for us to make us go on.
 Be grateful and continue your way, let’s together open the doors we've overpassed. Try to leave something from you on your way and be sure that after all you will be granted for that. Now we are in the verge of closing the last door of our so called way. After some time we are to have the opportunity to start a new one, we will go on. I hope you will never forget to have a retrospective look to the days that are in the past anymore.

      Now I am to close the last door with the hidden and expected desire to relive the left dreams on my next path…some dreams and hopes are really left behind, I didn't release many of them but I am sure something magical is yet to come. You should think like that too. I hope one year later you will be satisfied but now let’s wait…wait for a miracle…


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