The advantages and disadvantages of facial transplants

Being the most ideal creature, human is the most vulnerable one. When we see people, we always pay attention to the expression of their faces. Sometimes we feel their trails to shrink from our eyes. Even with a little and not so assertive look, we can guess how they feel, their worries and anxiety. The introduction will lead to the fact face allegorizes everything we feel inside. And when our soul is full of gladness, it will be right if it has its influence on our faces too. When due to the trick of destiny, face loses its shine, all gladness disappears. But even if it exists, never appears again. Firstly, if people do facial transplants, it could bring back all the shine their face had. Secondly , they will feel the condition of being sterling. These facts refer to inner world of person, but it also has the other hand of a medal; it is the desire to regain beautiful f...