Once upon a time

Once upon a time…you think you are going to read a fairytale, don’t you? Oh, yes – it is, because it involves fascinating and marvelous belief that dreams come true. What do you think how do we call our hero? What if we call him a dreamer? Dreamer dreams of a dream to make the dream come true. It was a time when his endeavours were utterly useless; he even decided never to fight against reality. He believed that nothing can be changed in life that is given to you, even if the life is appalling and dreadful. But one wonderful day he woke up with a gripping feeling he can and he must change something. Let’s ask what was the reason of it…Listen what he said. “Do you know what does it mean to be a dream in other people’s dream? I always thought the night is cruel. It always steals the light but just this night’s dream “explained’’ how much do we hide in our hands. We never really look to what is hidden in them. And my dream opened my eyes. In my dream I was in an absolutely dar...